About: maria

Recent Posts by maria

From fashion to tech: Inside Europe’s top 10 biggest companies 

In the dynamic landscape of global business, Europe stands tall with a lineup of mega-corporations that have secured their positions as leaders in various industries.  From luxury fashion houses to cutting-edge technology firms and energy giants, Europe’s top companies have made significant contributions to their sectors and the world economy.  In this article, we delveContinue Reading

Empower your portfolio: How to trade energies 

Energy commodities are like the unsung heroes behind our everyday routines, quietly driving the world forward.  Imagine this: the energy in a single gallon of gasoline can power a bicycle for two weeks straight. Now, let’s think big—when you flip a light switch, charge your phone, or start your car, you’re tapping into the hugeContinue Reading

From “Tulip Mania” to modern markets: How to trade soft commodities 

In the 17th-century Dutch Golden Age, a mesmerising phenomenon called “Tulip Mania” took centre stage, forever changing economic history.  Tulips, normally beloved for their beauty, became the focus of an astonishing speculative bubble. Prices soared to unimaginable heights, with a single rare bulb fetching the value of a grand house in Amsterdam.  Enthusiastic investors rushedContinue Reading

Unveiling the power of technical analysis: A forex trader’s strategic edge

In ancient Japan, there was a brilliant rice trader named Munehisa Homma. He had a unique talent for predicting future price movements in the rice markets. How did he do it? Well, he closely observed market prices and studied the emotions of fear and greed among traders. This keen observation led him to create somethingContinue Reading

Margin forex trading: How to harness leverage for financial growth

Imagine you have $1,000 and want to invest in the foreign exchange market, commonly known as Forex. Traditionally, your $1,000 would only allow you to control a small trade size. However, with margin trading, you can now control a much larger position, say $100,000, with just a fraction of your own money. This means thatContinue Reading

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